Custom Made Rugs


Saffar's Fine Rug Collection understands that sometimes rugs need to be custom woven to fit your home or office.  Our expertise in this area, along with our friendly service, is why we are the first stop for many of Melbourne's leading interior decorators.

We specialise in custom weaving only the very best handmade rugs & kilims including:


– Patchwork Rugs

– Patchwork Kilims

– Modern & Contemporary Rugs

– Modern & Contemporary Kilims



Saffar's Fine Rug Collection understands that sometimes rugs need to be custom woven to fit your home or office.  Our expertise in this area, along with our friendly service, is why we are the first stop for many of Melbourne's leading interior decorators.

We specialise in custom weaving only the very best handmade rugs & kilims including:


– Patchwork Rugs

– Patchwork Kilims

– Modern & Contemporary Rugs

– Modern & Contemporary Kilims


Below are just a few examples of our past custom woven pieces and also what designs we are able to have woven for our clients.








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